DHI Hair Transplant


    At Hair of Istanbul, 3 different hair transplantation techniques are used- the sapphire, DHI and slit technique, which are based on the FUE technique, depending on the specific requirement of the patient. The decision on which technique to use is made by our physicians after determining the hair texture, loss, and density of the existing hair by using latest technology high-resolution imaging devices during the examination. As Hair of Istanbul, we sometimes use more than one technique in a single procedure to achieve the most natural look.


    One of the techniques we use is the DHI technique where DHI stands for Direct Hair Implantation. In the DHI technique, as in other hair transplantation techniques, planning is done first, and the hairline is determined. Afterwards, local anesthesia is applied at the beginning of the procedure. Then, the hair is taken from the donor area with the help of a micro motor with the FUE technique. Protecting the hair follicles extracted using the FUE technique without losing their vitality is extremely important for the success of the procedure. The hair follicles taken are separated according to their structure and thickness for the transplantation process with the DHI technique in sterile conditions at the right temperature and solutions. Separation of hair follicles is very important to achieve a natural look. Single hair follicles should be planted on the front line, otherwise it is inevitable that multiple grafts transplanted on the front line will not look natural.


    In the DHI technique, after the extraction of the hair follicles with the FUE technique and the separation according to the transplantation plan, local anesthesia is applied at the implant stage as in other techniques. Unlike other techniques, in the DHI technique, the hair channels do not need to be opened. The separated hair follicles are placed in a special pen called Choi Pen and then transferred directly to the recipient area. The most important point at this stage is to place the extracted grafts on the recipient area, without losing their vitality and damaging the roots. After the process is completed, the aftercare procedure and the time of hair regrowth are the same as other techniques. The feature that distinguishes the DHI technique from other techniques is that the transplantation process takes place without the opening the channels on the recipient area. As Hair of Istanbul, we prefer the DHI technique in areas where it is required to place the graft horizontally (moustache, temple areas).

    Hair transplantation with the DHI technique takes an average of 6-8 hours. After the procedure, bandage is applied to the donor area from where the hair follicles are extracted using the FUE technique. 1 day after the procedure, the bandage is removed by the nurses at Hair of Istanbul and no new bandage is applied. No bandage is applied to the recipient area. It is extremely important to avoid contact for the hair follicles to hold. On the 3rd day, the washing process begins. The head is washed with restorative solution and shampoo for approximately 7 days. The products used for washing the head are extremely important in terms of protecting the health of the transplanted hair. As Hair of Istanbul, we use the products we have chosen jointly with Loreal – Kerastase after the procedure.

    At the end of the 10th day, the process to remove the scabs should be done on the transplanted area. Removal of the scabs is important for completing the healing of the area where the hair is transplanted.

    You do not need to do anything special after the scab removal process is completed. The growth process of your hair is followed up by our representatives. By the end of the first month, some of the transplanted hair falls out. It starts to grow back after the 3rd month, and the hair growth process usually takes 6-8 months, but some effects may continue for up to 12 months.

    In all hair transplantation techniques, the experience of the physicians and specialists performing the procedure in the selected techniques is of great importance for the success of the procedure. As Hair of Istanbul, we carry out our procedures with specialist physicians and technicians for each technique. Successful implementation of the techniques can increase the success rate of the procedure up to 99%. To minimize the risk of possible complications and to achieve healthy natural results, choose experienced hair transplant centers.

    This article is for informational purposes only. Please consult our physicians for diagnosis and treatment.